The Vendôme leotard takes its name from the famous Parisian jewelers" square, and its design reflects this prestigious address.
The subtle combination of mylar silkscreen and 917 rhinestones gives this leotard a dazzling sparkle, reminiscent of the brilliance of a rough diamond.
Not only is the Vendôme justo elegant and brilliant, legend has it that it brings good luck to those who wear it in their competitions.
Indeed, the screen-printed motif adorning this leotard is made up of little four-leaf clovers, a well-known symbol of good luck and good fortune.
The subtle combination of mylar silkscreen and 917 rhinestones gives this leotard a dazzling sparkle, reminiscent of the brilliance of a rough diamond.
Not only is the Vendôme justo elegant and brilliant, legend has it that it brings good luck to those who wear it in their competitions.
Indeed, the screen-printed motif adorning this leotard is made up of little four-leaf clovers, a well-known symbol of good luck and good fortune.